With your individual information we will create a customized profile in our system
that will store all of your preferred airlines, hotels, rental cars, frequent flyer
numbers, etc. Your information such as PNR data and passenger references are effectively
stored and maintained in our GDS (Global Distribution System) provided by Amadeus
and can be instantly accessible within our reservation functionality.
Customer profiles are divided into the following categories:
- Organization profiles
- Company profiles
- Agency profiles
- Traveller profiles
- Staff profiles
- Frequent flyer profiles
- Central repository for Customer data: one unique source of information shared by
all applications. This limits amount of maintenance activity and makes sure data
is consistent.
- Secured data: large set of security options allows you to share right level of information
with right target audience
- Online up-to-date information: any new profile information is instantly available
for all authorized users or applications.
- Easy to use, user-friendly application (close to PNR inputs)
- Enhance customer service: as it is fully integrated with PNR functionality, it enables
to transfer data from and to PNR. This exchange of data:
- Improves productivity,
- Increases efficiency,
- Improves customer service,
- Minimizes mistakes,
- Improves PNR accuracy.